Technology Tips

3 Google Extensions EVERY Teacher Needs

There are SO MANY amazing Google extensions out there! They help us simplify our life, organize our work, and add flair to what we create. But, how do you know which ones are worth your time as an over-worked teacher? 

Here are 3 simple, AMAZING Google extensions every teacher needs that will absolutely change your life in the classroom!  

I’ve tried so many Google extensions over the years; some are so worthwhile and help my day as a teacher run SO smoothly! Other, well…others are what I call “fluff.” They seem great on the surface, but in reality, in a messy, busy, hard-working classroom setting, just seem to fall flat. 
Some just aren’t worth your time! 
Below is my list the TOP 3 BEST Google extensions every teacher needs!

1. Web Paint

Friends, trust me. If you are not using Web Paint, START TODAY! 

Honestly, I would absolutely be lost without this simple Chrome extension! It helps me with in-person teaching OR virtual teaching so much!

The number of ways you can use this to simplify your classroom are almost endless. Truly!

Web Paint basically makes ANY website a digital white board! You can type onto any site, circle/box in things. highlight words, draw arrows, and then even take a screenshot to save for later!

^ This picture is a great example of a simple way you can utilize Web Paint. This is a real screenshot from my Google Classroom. I like to give directions verbally AND show what I’m saying visually. I’ve found that using Web Paint to just point to and draw a box around what I want them to click on their screen helps my students SO MUCH!


  • Web Paint is 100% FREE
  • Can be used for ANY subject or grade level
  • Turn ANY website into a digital white board
  • Take a screenshot to save for later
My favorite part:

You can use Web Paint in SO MANY ways! It helps students VISUALLY see what you are verbally saying to them, which increases comprehension.


2. JoyPixels

Guys, I LOVE JoyPixels! I can’t believe I was ever a teacher without knowing about this AMAZING Google extension!

I probably click this extension more times throughout the week than any other. Why? Because it makes EVERYTHING I post and make in class more fun! And y’all, I’m ALL about a fun classroom.

JoyPixels is emojis. This Google extension allows you to add fun emojis to ANYTHING! An email to parents? Sure! A Google Slides activity? Absolutely! A Google Classroom assignment post? You bet!

Google Extensions JoyPixels
Google Extensions JoyPixels


  • JoyPixels is 100% FREE
  • Add fun and flair to anything you type online!
  • Add visuals for better student comprehension
My favorite part:

I love that the JoyPixels Google extension is so fun and versatile! I use it on Google Classroom posts all the time, and it adds a little character to worksheets I make or learning activities we do.

3. GIPHY for Chrome

I saved the best for last here. GIPHY for Chrome is one of my ALL-TIME FAVORITE things I use in my classroom! 

Really though. If you are like most teachers, you need a better, simpler way to engage your students without spending so much time creating something new. So, use a GIF! 

GIFs and stickers are moving, animated pictures that you can insert into ANY digital activity with just the click of a button through this free extension. Any time I add these to an assignment, my students get hooked instantly! They love the memes, GIFs, and silly moving stickers in my daily slides, homework activities, and yes–even tests!

This Google extension allows you to add fun animated, moving pictures to ANYTHING online! Increase student engagement with just a few clicks and watch your students get excited about learning.

Google Extensions GIPHY

^^ Here’s a simple way I use this in my classroom: I have daily slides showing on my classroom’s front screen when students come in for each class. I always have a fun GIF from the GIPHY extension on the screen to add some fun as students get started working! They love it!

Google Extensions GIPHY
  • GIPHY is totally FREE!
  • Great for ANY grade level and subject
  • Adds FUN and FLAIR to any assignment
  • Grabs students’ attension immediately
My favorite part:

I’m ALWAYS looking for simple solutions to make learning more fun in my classroom. The GIPHY for Chrome extension is such an easy way to do that! Install this extension today and watch your students get excited about their next activity!

The 3 Google extensions EVERY teacher needs:

So,  I hope this blog post helps you get started with Google extensions in your classroom.

I know there are TONS of other amazing extensions! That’s the point. There are so many, and the choices can be overwhelming, so I hope this gets you pointed in the right direction. 

Remember: our goal here is ALWAYS to SIMPLIFY your life as a teacher. 

Go install these three simple Google extensions and let the fun begin! 

I promise: you WON’T regret it.

stephanie with script font


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